Hampton Research, a US company, provides a comprehensive range of high-quality tools for crystallization, including crystallization screens, crystallization-grade reagents, crystallization plates, hardware and accessories, protein crystallization standards, and other supplies.

Crystallization Screens Crystal Screen
Crystal Screen 2 • Crystal Screen HT
The Crystal Screen and Crystal Screen 2 reagent kits are designed to provide a highly effective and rapid screening method for the crystallization of macromolecules. The screens are simple and practical for finding initial crystallization conditions. The initial crystallization conditions for more than 1,000 proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, and small molecules have been determined using Crystal Screen.
Crystal Screen, Crystal Screen 2, and Crystal Screen HT are ready-to-use reagents that are sterile-filtered and formulated with ultra-pure Type 1 water, using the highest purity salts, polymers, organics and buffers.
Determining a Cryoprotectant
Crystal Screen Cryo • Crystal Screen 2 Cryo • Crystal Screen Cryo HT
Determining initial and optimal cryoprotectant concentration is often a process of trial and error. One must find suitable cryoprotectant concentrations which stabilize the crystal while at the same time combine with the crystallization reagent to form an amorphous glass.
The Crystal Screen Cryo kits removes the guess work from determining the preliminary glycerol concentration required to mix with the crystallization reagent to form an amorphous glass. Crystal Screen Cryo reagents are formulated with the appropriate amount of glycerol required to form an amorphous glass with each unique reagent composition.

24-well crystallization plates
- Cryschem Plate is a 24 well sitting drop plate that is sealed with clear sealing tape. The polystyrene plate is supplied with a raised cover so the plate can also be sealed with vacuum grease and plain glass or plastic cover slides.
- VDX Plate is a 24 well crystallization plate for hanging drop or sitting drop vapor diffusion crystallization (when used with Micro-Bridges or Glass Rods), or dialysis crystallization (when used with Dialysis Buttons).
- Linbro Plate is a 24 well plate with cover is made of clear, rigid, polystyrene and used primarily for hanging drop vapor diffusion crystallization.
- Intelli-Plate 24-4 (Art Robbins Instruments) is a 24 well sitting drop plate for crystallization screening and optimization.
- Greiner ComboPlate and CrystalBridge is a 24 well plate with a raised cover in an SBS microplate footprint.
48-well crystallization plates
72-well crystallization plates